Friday, 6 April 2012

Good friday lunch fun

April 6th photo- Lunch.

Photo challenge for today was lunch. Well as today was such a glorious day here in the UK we had our lunch in the garden. Fantastic food (linguini with a North Atlantic king prawns, fresh herbs and garlic infused olive oil), family around me...who needs to go away for the Easter break?? Afterwards there was lawn rugby for the boys, garden foraging for O2 and sunning for me, life is good!
O1 preparing himself an ice-cream with Chocolate philly

Lawn rugby and garden foraging
I hope everyone else has had a fantastic Good Friday! Happy Easter.

xx P xx 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I long for the weather that is clear and sunny but it is always pouring where I live. The pasta looks delicious; love your kids enjoying the weather.